

How can minerals increase coffee extraction and bring more flavour?

Most of us know that coffee bean, brewing time, temperature and pressure constitute a cup of good coffee. However, the science indicates water itself plays a key as well. Coffee is made up above 98% water. It is much more than we recognize. Water acts as very active role – solvent - that extracts the flavour compounds from the bean. To dissolve flavour compounds of bean in water, the water has to form chemical bonds with solids in the bean and carry them away.


By such reaction, water can transform the character of a coffee. It can accentuate its acidity, or wipe it out entirely. It can increase or decrease body. It can bring out aroma within the bean and enhance overall flavour.


A certain amount of mineral in the water is necessary to produce a pleasant flavour while brewing coffee. However, certain minerals make water harder or softer, which can be positive/negative effect on coffee taste.


Magnesium is key


Christopher Hendon, the chemist of the University of Bath, studied minerals’ role affecting extraction of chemicals from coffee and its contribution to the flavour. He found out minerals composition of water dramatically impact the coffee from the same bean.


Magnesium, calcium and sodium are metals dissolved as charged particles in water. These positive charge are attractively attached to negatively charged flavour compounds in coffee.


Magnesium has the greatest effect on extracting coffee compounds as an aid of the extraction of sharp, fruitier flavour. Calcium emphasizes heavier, creamy notes – and that “buffer” is antagonistic towards sharper, acidic notes. Sodium is not beneficial to taste with minimum extraction capability. 



Source: The Role of Dissolved Cations in Coffee Extraction


About D-MINNERALZ, Deep Ocean Minerals


D-MINNERALZ is the only one global leading provider in the world sourcing deep ocean minerals from deep ocean water at 662 m depth. D-MINNERALZ deep ocean minerals is based on abundant scientific evidence and safety data. Since establishment, our own scientific research have proved the efficacy of deep ocean minerals in metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular health, exercise performance and recovery, osteoporosis, weight management, fermentation, skin hydration, etc. With expertise in research and product development, we collaborate with customers to speed up product launch. Reliability and Research are our continuous commitment to you. For more information, visit and contact us 



D-MINNERALZNatural Deep Ocean Minerals Supplier from 662 m