

Try D-MINNERALZ to fight against dehydration caused by heat exhaustion or severe exercise

This summer might be the toughest time for European since parts of Europe are experiencing most extreme heat at temperatures 44 ℃ (111 ℉). In Italy, August temperature is 10 ℃ higher than the average in comparison with same period of prior year. Similar trend can also be found in Asia, summer temperatures in Tokyo will rise year by year. Experts even warn that the risk of heatstroke or heat exhaustion will happen at the 2020 Olympic marathon.


With more and more hot and humid weather coming in the near future, heat exhaustion and heatstroke are real concern. Heatstroke is a result of heat exhaustion that's not treated. The body is exposed to extremely hot and humidity condition for a long period of time and the body’s heat regulating mechanism fails to regulate the temperature by sweating. Heat exhaustion is the body’s response to excessive loss of water and salt (which, is sweat) and a warning the body is getting too hot. To prevent heat exhaustion, the easiest way is to rehydrate yourself by drinking water. However, if you're sweating excessively, you need sports drink that compensate for salt and electrolytes loss.


D-MINNERALZ, Deep Ocean Minerals - Natural Electrolytes for rehydration

D-MINNERALZ containing natural minerals and trace elements is perfect salt and electrolytes source. For athletes who are usually under competitive events or training, dehydration is very common and will last for 2 days. Only drinking water is not enough to rehydrate. Supplementation with salty water can be more efficient to become hydration. Our experiment discovered that D-MINNERALZ, deep ocean minerals, is better than water to replenish fluid loss. We design a double-blind crossover - challenging protocol to dehydration (40% VO2 max) at a room temperature of 30 ℃ until a body mass decline of 3%. During recovery, 8 healthy young men received D-MINNERALZ or pure water (equivalent to 1.5 fold of their body mass loss) to replace their fluid loss. The result showed that subjects with water intake had darker urine color; however, D-MINNERALZ significantly decreased urine color within 24 h of recovery. Urine color is common indicator as assessment of dehydration - severe dehydration comes with darker urine color, and vice versa.


To sum up, our findings demonstrate that drinking pure water is not enough to rehydrate after dehydrating exercise. D-MINNERALZ as natural source of electrolytes is more efficient to accelerate recovery of hydration. D-MINNERALZ, deep ocean minerals, provide necessary minerals and trace elements for human to speed up the recovery from dehydration caused by severe exercise or heat exhaustion! 


Source: Effects of Deep Ocean Minerals Supplementation on Rehydration Status Following Dehydration



About D-MINNERALZ, Deep Ocean Minerals


D-MINNERALZ is the only one global leading provider in the world sourcing deep ocean minerals from deep ocean water at 662 m depth. D-MINNERALZ deep ocean minerals is based on abundant scientific evidence and safety data. Since establishment, our own scientific research have proved the efficacy of deep ocean minerals in metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular health, exercise performance and recovery, osteoporosis, weight management, fermentation, skin hydration, etc. With expertise in research and product development, we collaborate with customers to speed up product launch. Reliability and Research are our continuous commitment to you. For more information, visit and contact us 



D-MINNERALZNatural Deep Ocean Minerals Supplier from 662 m